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1. Crossroad (junction with no signal light)


The shortest average travel time can be achieved by choosing this arrangement, nonetheless, while it is possible to simulate in a computer, serious clashes of vehicles would inevitably be resulted in reality.


It is not adopted in real life, but for the sake of our experiment this scenario is simulated as a benchmark for the following scenario.

Smart Junctions


City Traffic Planner has done an investigation before on the efficiency of a different types of junctions which can be used in Hong Kong to enhance traffic flow, or shortens the waiting time.


We draw the junctions in the same scale in the Traffic Flow Simulator. The role of the simulator is to give us a simulated environment of the traffic. Our investigation strives to access the efficiency of the junctions through a quantitative approach, and slightly for reference of planners specialized in traffic in Hong Kong.


We use the simulator to: calculate the average travel time of each type of junctions.


Types of junctions to be in the investigation field are:


2. Crossroad (junction with signal light)


Clashes of vehicles can be avoided in so far as Scenario B is adopted, but this would dramatically increase the average travel time from the starting point to the destination.


This option is mostly adopted in reality. (Possible to be used in dense area)

3. Basic Roundabout


A compromise between Scenario 1 and 2 where the average travel time is smaller when compared with Scenario 2, and also clashes can be avoided, unlike the situation in Scenario 1. Roundabouts show a 89 percent decrease in fatal crashes, a 74 percent decrease in life-altering injury crashes and a 39 percent decrease in all crashes. They handle high levels of traffic with less delay than most stop signs or signals. The entry curves slow traffic so entering and exiting are easier and more efficient, and what’s more, where roundabouts replace signals, idling decreases which reduces vehicle emissions and fuel consumption by 30 percent or more.


This Scenario is sometimes adopted, yet the construction of a roundabout can lead to a great consumption of land, which is not desirable especially in some of the prime metropolitan where space is scarce and the opportunity cost of building a roundabout is high. (Not likely to be used in highly dense area)




4. Roundabout with dedicated off-ramp




5. Hamburger roundabout




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